Sister Rain’s Note:
This is the ninth story in a series about my search for an ancestor who was a Patriot in the American Revolutionary War. To read the previous posts, click on the following:
“Historical Society Of Pennsylvania“
“The Search Heard Round The World”
“The Son-In-Law Of Liberty”
“This Colonel IsMy Truth“
“Family Rarelooms”
“Coat Tales”
”Proving My DNA To The DAR”
“Becoming A Daughter In My Fifties“
While waiting for the verdict on my application to the Daughters of the American Revolution, I returned to Mercer Museum in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Having had the opportunity to previously view my 5x great-grandfather’s coat, ledger and pistol privately, it was now part of a new exhibition there, “The Doan Gang: Outlaws of the Revolution.” The presentation takes a look at a group of Revolutionary War-era Loyalists. The immersive exhibit explores a world of espionage, robberies and mythical lost treasure. It explains why the Gang’s deep loyalty to Britain made them enemies of our Founding Fathers. What does Augustine have to do with this story? He signed a petition to execute several Doan Gang members.
If it was a thrill to see his coat, ledger and pistol on the signage promoting the exhibition, the pride I felt opening the door to the hall, hearing my husband say, “There it is,” as he led me to the left corner of the room after stepping over the threshold, was explosive. There were Augustine’s things, now protected in glass, for everyone to see. I was so grateful that my first interaction with these artifacts was up close and personal before they became part of this exhibition, as it will be open through December 2026. I wanted to stand next to the display case for the next 32 months so that I could tell everyone who came by that I am his 5x great-granddaughter.
We walked through the rest of the exhibit, returning to Augustine’s corner before we left. It is a true miracle that these items still exist, let alone that they are in such great condition and available for everyone to view.
As much as I wanted my and Augustine’s relationship officially recognized, as I stood watching visitors stop and examine his items, DAR’s decision didn’t matter. From the moment Mister Rain was sure that Colonel Willett is my ancestor, I felt a connection to him. With or without the certificate, I am a daughter of the American Revolution.
To be continued . . .
“Certifiably Framed”
“Valley Forging Our Bond”
“Over The River And Through The Woods To My 5x Great-Grandfather’s Tavern I Go“
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #ushistory #genealogy #colonelaugustinewillett #grandpaauggie #dar #daughtersoftheamericanrevolution #mercermuseum #thedoangang #my5xgreatgrandfatherisanexhibitionist