At Crystal City Sports Pub in Arlington, Virginia, I listened to the Army – Navy game’s second half being shown on large televisions mounted on every possible wall space throughout. Being played 15 miles away, an equal amount of cheers and groans could be heard from other patrons. I always rooted for Navy, given my pop-pop’s service as a Marine in World War I (Oorah, Pop-Pop!) but this year I learned that my 5x great-grandfather was a Colonel in the Continental Army. I was happy for either team to be the victor, feeling that I had won by having two great men in my lineage.
Navy came out ahead, and after the final moments of four quarters had wound down, the Army anthem was sung at the stadium . . . and in the sports pub where I sat. When “The Army Song” was over, the Navy supporters also here rose to the occasion, lifting their voices to “Anchors Away” along with the broadcast. I was a goner from the first note; single tears rolled down both my cheeks, landing just to the left of the steak on my plate. I wiped at them with my napkin, proud to be a granddaughter and a 5x great-granddaughter but prouder still to be an American.
No matter what candidate you endorsed this past November, a drastic change in our country’s leadership is coming. It was difficult not to think about it knowing the White House was right down the road. Who knows what the next 12 months will bring. What I do know is that should I find myself in this pub during the next Army – Navy game, the same scene will play out. I find great comfort in that, I hope that you do too.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #ushistory #arlingtonva #capitalcitysportspub #army #navy #armynavygame #weallplayforthesameteam