Mount Rainier
You are 14,411 feet in elevation.
You are the highest mountain in Washington.
You are elusive, visible only 60% of the time.
You show yourself best in summer.
In the 30 total days we’ve spent in the Seattle area, all during football season, you have revealed yourself 10 of those days.
On our last trip, you came out to say hello on our way to the Seahawks game.
You had a Twitter / X account: @IsMtRainierOut.
You are an active volcano.
Due to your high probability of an eruption in the near future, you are considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.
You are not a purple mountain but you are majesty.
I call you “The Lady.”
On our last trip you came out to say goodbye as we drove to the airport, despite the early hour.
The statistics made it unlikely that you would appear but I was so happy that you did.
Until next time . . .
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindtraveler #travel #mountrainier