Oprah once said that pooping is the great equalizer. “Everybody poops”, she proclaimed.
I don’t agree with everything that comes out of Oprah’s mouth, but I do think she nailed it in regard to what emerges from our other end. I have told myself this when I’ve felt intimidated by someone which, thankfully, doesn’t happen often. I have also shared it with friends in an effort to help them relax in similar situations. And I hope in reading this, as ridulous and inappropriate as it may seem to you, that it will now put you more at ease when meeting someone that unnerves the crap out of you.*
So, if this is a fact, and I have no reason to think otherwise, then tell me this:
Why doesn’t EVERYONE eplenish the toilet paper in its cabinet when they use the last roll?
* You’ve got to let me have this one. After all, I poop too.