I am watching the TV Land Awards and feeling so very old. The Cosby Show, The Facts of Life, Family Ties and Welcome Back Kotter. My elementary and junior and senior high school years.
The Huxtables, the Keatons, Vinnie and Boom Boom and Horshack. Blair and Jo and Tootsie and Natalie.
They all look so much older — 30 years is a long time. The Facts of Life don’t lie and the biggest fact is that Life Goes On. Wait a minute, that was a show I watched in my 20s!
I’ve always believed that we are shaped by the books that we read but now I know that the TV shows I watched growing up are a part of me as much as those people on the pages. Tonight I saw the current versions of my old favorites but in my mind they were as they have always been. And isn’t that how we all see ourselves?