Everyone says they can’t tell that I am legally blind. I am able to track your eyes fairly well if we’re speaking. There is, however, something that several close friends have noticed that is different about me from before I lost my sight: I blink more frequently. I never realized it until a few months into my vision loss and someone pointed it out. Now, all these years later, I am often aware of it. I think it is because my brain is continually trying to clear the windshield in order to get a clear view. It is an unconscious activity, an amazing thing that my body is attempting to do for itself, for me. And I am grateful.
I am even more thankful that the opening and closing of my lids doesn’t make that awful wiper blade sound!!
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #blindnessisaspectrum #opticneuropathy #visuallyimpaired #blind #wiperlids