One package remained under the Christmas tree. My husband handed it to me, I removed the wrapping paper, adding to the pile scattered between us on the floor. Two pieces of tape held the previously cut flaps closed, I easily pulled them open. Immediately I saw the only color that I can, blue, but even more than that, I saw the blue of Sister Rain.
At first I thought it was bath towels, which made no sense as I had just purchased new towels for us several months prior after a long search for the prefect color to match the trim in our bathroom. While I quickly tossed theat thought away, I reached into the box to lift out the blue lump. It was heavy. Setting it in my lap, I gently tugged at the top of it, loosening one item from the rest. Seeing nothing but blue, I freed it completely from its brethren, shaking it out a bit as I did so. Turning it this way and that I saw a flash of white. Holding tight to one end, I snapped the entire thing. Looking at me was the eye that makes up the Sister Rain logo. It was a t-shirt with about 10 more in different sizes still in my lap. I burst into tears.
Perhaps it is because I am a t-shirt girl even as I have gotten older, but seeing my brand and color on a t-shirt did something to me. It made Sister Rain real in a way that nothing had before. Not the necklace I had bought myself, the temporary tattoos or the custom nail polish color (“I’m A Writer, Not A Rapper“). And although Mister Rain is supportive and helps me with proofing and photography for this site (“From Hubby To Business” and “All Dolled Up“), he is an unemotional creature by nature. These shirts were validation from him that I didn’t even realize I needed. He had contacted my web designer for help in procuring the shirts, obtaining the logo artwork needed to place the order.
My closet is full of shirts from places I have been, concerts, the Seahawks logo in abundance. In my former career I wore polo shirts, scarves, blazers, button downs, t-shirts, hats and jackets adorned with a corporate logo. Now my own company brand is tucked in there too. I have a lot I want Sister Rain to accomplish this year but for a few moments on Christmas Day, as well as every time I give someone a shirt, I love my beautiful logo and acknowledge the blood, sweat and tears I have put into this endeavor. I can’t wait to see my husband wearing the t-shirt once the weather gets warmer. And I, in turn, will be prouder than I have ever been to wear a logo.
#sisterrain #alittlesightalotofheart #legallyblindwriter #behindthescenes #alittlesightalotofheartandabunchoftshirts